As we reach about the half-way point of Winter you may be starting to feel a little tired of the sight of snow and chilly weather. If you’re feeling a little trapped indoors it’s important to find fun things to do until we reach those balmy summer nights again. It helps to have a mix of things at home for when the thermometer nose dives, but also things to do outside so you don’t get cabin fever.
If you’re starting to feel the winter blues, it’s can be important to talk with someone you trust. This could be a family member, friend, teacher your trust or guidance counsellor. You can also check out a Teen Clinic or call a phone line like the Klinic Crisis Line, 1-888-322-3019 or (204) 786-8686. It’s open 24/7 and is free to call.
Here’s our list of different ways to survive the annual deep freeze:
At Home
- Bake something! It’s not only delicious, but the heat of the oven will make your kitchen warm and cozy
- Watch a movie or binge some Netflix
- Build a blanket fort
- Play a game. Whether it’s board or video, gaming is a great way to pass the time with friends
- Learn a craft like knitting. That way by next winter you’ll have some cozy new mittens
Around Manitoba
- Go skidooing
- Try ice fishing
- Hit the hills for some snow boarding or skiing
- Go cross-country skiing
- Make a snow person
- Go skating
- Build a quinzhee or snow fort
- Go tobogganing
In Winnipeg
- Visit The Forks for some hot chocolate and skating
- Walk, skate or snow shoe the river trail
- Take part in Festival du Voyageur – Some parts of it cost money, but they also have some free events and snow sculptures around town
- Check out the Winnipeg Art Gallery
- Visit a museum
- Go to the Conservatory (Tropical House) in Assiniboine Park. It’s free and a great way to have a mini tropical get away