Teen Talk is not a crisis/help service. If you need help now, click here


If you need advice or just want to talk to someone, check out the counseling, Teen Clinic , or phone lines sections. You can call or drop by any of the counseling resources. You can also call any of the phone lines, which are totally free and confidential. Many of them are available 24 hours a day. The people you talk to will listen to what you have to say and try to help you out. Talking through a problem can be a good way to sort out your own thoughts.

There are safe hangouts where you can go if you need help or a place to stay and other hangouts that have after-school programs and fun activities.

There are also a bunch of great websites where you can find more information on a whole bunch of different topics.

The following is a list of sites with information, resources, and more that we think you might want to use. Check them out!


kidshelpphone.ca – Info for teens and pre-teens
supportline.ca – Provincial website devoted to farm, rural and northern youth
Healthy Aboriginal Youtube Channel – Videos about Youth Health
kanikanichihk.ca – Programs and opportunities for aboriginal youth
thelinkmb.ca – formerly MacDonald Youth Services
rayinc.ca – Resources for youth (29 and under) who have left home. Emergency help, food/clothing banks, computers, housing resources and more.
Culture for Life – A site for Indigenous Youth who know the value of culture and living their best life, but need a little help getting there. You can also reach them at their support service helpline 1-855-242-3310.

Sexual and Reproductive Health

serc.mb.ca – Sexuality Education Resource Centre MB (Teen Talk’s parent organization). SERC offers sexual, reproductive health, and relationship-related information.
sexfriendlymb.ninecircles.ca – Questions and answers about STIs and HIV.
scarleteen.com – Sexual health info for youth
sexetc.org – Sexual health info for all ages
sexandu.ca – Sexual health info for all ages
centreforsexuality.ca – Sexual health info for all ages
nativeyouthsexualhealth.com – Sexual health info for youth
irespectmyself.ca – Nunavut based website with tons of great sexual health info, cool features and links to local resources

Mental Health and Suicide

bethere.org  – Mental health info for youth and young adults. How to support someone.
– Mental health info for youth by youth
honouringlife.ca – Youth suicide info and resources
reasontolive.ca – Suicide info & support
teenmentalhealth.org – Mental health info for youth, their caregivers, friends and loved ones
au.reachout.com – Mental and sexual health info and stories for youth
Orange Daisy Project – A multi-tier social action campaign that focuses on the mental health of teen girls

Relationships and Bullying

kidsdefinetheline.ca – Information on cyber-bullying and sexting for youth, parents and teachers
yesmeansyes.com – Healthy Relationship and Consent info for youth
thatsnotcool.com – Online bullying info for youth
loveisrespect.org – Dating violence info and resources (chatline)

Substance Use and Gambling

afm.mb.ca –  Addictions Foundation of Manitoba. Resources around addiction issues. Counselling, treatment and support groups.
talktofrank.com – UK website with information on substance use
abovetheinfluence.com – Learn skills to deal with peer pressure
whatswithweed.ca – Information on cannabis use
youthgamblingfacts.ca – Information for youth about gambling
streetconnections.ca – Street Connections is a mobile public health service in Winnipeg. They offer harm reduction supplies and services including safe need exchange and crack pipes, free condoms, vaccines, pregnancy tests, STI and HIV testing.


rainbowresourcecentre.org – Provides support and resources to the lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender, two-spirit, queer, plus communities of Manitoba and North Western Ontario
Like That (Sunshine House) – Like That is a program which provides a space where people exploring gender and/or sexual identity can gather at Sunshine House for fun, skills building and recreation.
translifeline.org –  Hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender people. Trans Lifeline volunteers are ready to respond to whatever support needs members of our community might have.
Salaam Canada  – Salaam Canada is a volunteer-run organization dedicated to creating space for people who identify as both Muslim and queer and trans.

Pregnancy Options

womenshealthclinic.org – Pregnancy counselling on abortion, adoption, and parenting, and a range of other health services for women of all ages.
actioncanadashr.ca – Information on pregnancy prevention, pregnancy options (abortion, adoption, parenting), and pre-natal care. Youth can call their 24 hour information and referral line toll free at, 1-888-642-2725.
manitobaparentzone.ca – Questions and answers for Manitoba parents.
gov.mb.ca/fs/childfam/adoption – Adoption information from Family Services Manitoba.

Eating Disorders

eatingdisordersmanitoba.ca – The Eating Disorders Manitoba Website is designed to help you connect to the programs and services that are right for you.
nedic.ca – Disordered Eating info and resources
womenshealthclinic.org – Disordered Eating info (Eating Disorders tab)


youthco.org – HIV/AIDS and HepC info for youth
sexfriendlymb.ninecircles.ca – Questions and answers about STIs and HIV.

For Guys

whiteribbon.com – Men working to end violence against women
Project MEND: Males Ending Gendered Violence  – a Facebook page focused on engaging men and boys to take a stand against male violence against women and girls and on mobilizing action that fosters equality, respect and solidarity
dadcentral.ca – resources, activities, and programs that can help navigate the world of fatherhood
newdadmanual.ca – Parenting info for new dads

For Service Providers

serc.mb.ca – Sexuality Education Resource Centre Manitoba (SERC) provides specialized sexuality and intercultural training and consultation for education, health and social service professionals and parents.
Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights – A voice for sexual health and rights in Canada and globally, see their Beyond the Basics resource for educators!
teachingsexualhealth.ca – Lesson plans by grade or topic.
catie.ca – Information on HIV and HEP C as well as a free ordering centre for resources.
afsp.org/schools – Suicide prevention resources, including “After a Suicide Loss: a Toolkit for Schools.”


If you need emergency help right now, call 9-1-1.

Phone lines offer support and information. They will not judge you.
Don’t worry if you don’t know what to say. Any number you call, someone will help you! 1-800, 1-888, 1-877 , 1-866 and 1-855 numbers are FREE to call.

Klinic Crisis Line –  1-888-322-3019 or (204) 786-8686 (24 hours)
Provides counselling, support and information for people in crisis or distress.

Manitoba Suicide Prevention and Support Line – 1-877-435-7170 (24 hours)
Counseling/info for people thinking about suicide, or affected by another’s thoughts/ attempts of suicide.

Klinic Sexual Assault Crisis Line – 1-888-292-7565 or (204) 786-8631 (24 hours)
Counselling, information, support and advocacy concerning sexual assault.

Manitoba Farm & Rural Support Services – 1-866-367-3276 (10am-9pm, Monday-Friday)
Counselling and support for farm, rural, or northern youth. Chat or email available here, supportline.ca.

Kids Help Phone – 1-800-668-6868 (24 hours)
Canada wide service providing information and support to youth. Also offers online chat, and txt services (in Manitoba) by texting CONNECT to 686868

First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Line – 1-855-242-3310 (24 hours)
Canada wide mental health counselling and crisis intervention to all Indigenous peoples. Also offers online chat. Available in English and French as well as Cree, Anishinaabemowin (Ojibway) and Inuktitut by request

Trans Lifeline – 1-877-330-6366 (check translifeline.org for hours)
Free hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender people. Trans Lifeline volunteers are ready to respond to whatever support needs members of our community might have.

National Eating Disorders Helpline – 1-866-633-4220 (8am-8pm, Mon – Fri)
Counselling, information and support for people dealing with or affected by eating disorders and disordered eating.

National Dating Abuse Helpline – 1-866-331-9474
Counselling, information, support and advocacy concerning abuse. Visit loveisrespect.org to chat online with peer advocates. (US based)

Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights – 1-888-642-2725
Gives information on abortion, adoption, and parenting, and referrals for abortion services and counselling.

Health Links – 1-888-315-9257 or (204) 788-8200 (24 hours)
For information and referral services on health related matters, staffed by nurses.

Resource Assistance for Youth – 1-800-668-4663 or (204) 783-5617 (24 hours)
Services for youth who have left home up to the age of 29.

In-Person Support

If you need emergency help right now, call 9-1-1.

If something is bothering you, talking about it can really help. Below are some places where you can go to talk to someone.

Klinic Drop-In Counselling Program – (204) 784-4067
870 Portage Ave. ~ Mon/Fri/Sat 12 – 4 pm and Tues/Thurs 12-7pm. Free drop-in counselling with trained counsellors on any issue that you need to talk about.

Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth- (204)988-7440 (in Winnipeg), or 1-800-263-7146 (Manitoba calls only)
Support for anyone with concerns about the services a young person is or is not receiving under the Child and Family Services Act or Adoption Act.

Rainbow Resource Centre (2STLGBQ+) – (204) 474-0212 or Toll-Free: (855) 437-8523
170 Scott St. ~ Resources and counselling for the  lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender, two-spirit, queer, plus all other non-cis/hetero communities. They also have youth groups and a library. For counselling services, please call Monday morning at 10am for a same week appointment.

Addictions Foundation of Manitoba Youth Services – 1-877-710-3999
Resources for youth and families around addiction issues. Counselling, treatment and support groups.

Voices, Manitoba Youth in Care Network – 1-866-982-4956
929 Main St. ~ Resources, peer support and advocacy.

Adolescent Mental Health Centralized Intake – (204) 958-9660
848 William ~ 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Mon – Fri. Mental health programs, no referral needed.

Drop-In Centres and Emergency Shelters

Spence Neighborhood Association (204) 783-5000
M.E.R.C. 430 Langside St. ~ Drop-in and other activities for ages 13-18. 6:30 – 9:30 pm, Mon – Fri. Also open from 11pm-7am Fridays, Saturdays, and school holidays.

The Link (formerly MacDonald Youth Services) – Emergency Shelter (204) 477-1804
175 Mayfair Ave. ~ Counselling, free condoms, emergency overnight shelter open 24/7 for 12-17 year olds, resources for youth up to age 20.                                                                               thelinkmb.ca 

Ndinawe (204) 589-5545 472 Selkirk Ave.
Safe house and drop-in centre for youth who have left home and lots of free programs (computers, tutoring, art, video, sports, Indigenous cultural Teachings). The drop-in centre is open Monday-Thursday from 3:00-11:00PM and is 24 hours Friday-Monday. To connect with the Safe House intake call (204) 586-2588

Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre (204) 925-0363
445 King St. ~ Community drop-in with lots of youth groups and all kinds of free programs.

Resource Assistance for Youth, Inc. (RaY) (204) 783-5617
125 Sherbrook St. ~ Resources for youth (29 and under) who have left home. Emergency help, food/clothing banks, computers, housing resources and more.

Rossbrook House (204) 949-4090
658 Ross Ave. ~ Lots of great programs for teens. Open 365 days a year and 24 hours on weekends and school holidays.

Teen Stop Jeunesse (204) 254-1618
533-A St. Anne’s Rd. ~ Computers, outings, homework club and lots of other great stuff for youth age 8-18.

West Broadway Youth Outreach (204) 774-0451
646 Portage Ave. ~ All sorts of activities from 3:30 – 8:30 pm Mon – Thurs. 12-17 year olds can serve as positive role models and get volunteer experience.

Honouring our Spirits (204) 947-0421
70 Albert St. ~ After school program. Free snacks, fun activities, outings, Indigenous crafts and Spiritual Teachings.

Art City (204) 775-9856
616 Broadway Ave. ~ Art programming for all ages. Snacks and fun activities.

Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg (204) 982-4940
929 Main St. ~ 10 different clubs around the city with great activities.

Broadway Neighbourhood Centre (204) 772-9253
185 Young St. ~ The Youth Drop-In Program operates from the main floor of the Centre. This program is geared towards youth ages 7 – 17  Mon-Fri 4-9pm.

Elmwood Community Resource Centre (204) 982-1720
545 Watt St. ~ after school drop-in program for ages 12-17

Graffiti Art Programming Inc. (204) 667-9960
109 Higgins Ave. ~ A welcoming place with lots of art programs.

Indian & Métis Friendship Centre (204) 586-8441
45 Robinson St. ~ Programs for youth and people of all ages.

Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba (IRCOM) (204) 943-8765
95 Ellen St. ~ Great after-school program for newcomer youth. Mon, Wed, Thurs and Fri 7 – 9 pm.

N.E.E.D.S. Inc. (204) 940-1260
251-A Notre Dame Ave. ~ Youth programming for immigrant and refugee youth. Ages 12-17 or until graduation.

City of Winnipeg – Priceless Fun
Programming guide highlights free recreation and leisure opportunities for youth throughout Winnipeg.

Kildonan Youth Activity Centre (204) 223-2639
Four locations~ Drop-in youth programming. Ages 9-17. Check out their website for current hours.

Edmund Partridge Community School (1874 Main St.)
École Seven Oaks Middle School (800 Salter St.)
Governor Semple Community School (150 Hartford Ave.)
École Riverbend Community School (123 Red River Blvd W.) 


Maples Youth Activity Centre (204) 471-6922
1520 Jefferson Ave. /70 Doubleday Drive~ Drop-in youth programming for ages 10-16. Open during the evenings and school holidays.

Five locations ~ Lots of programming for youth ages 12 and up.

Downtown (301 Vaughan St.) ~ (204) 947-3044
North Y Centre (363 McGregor St.) ~ (204) 989-4109
Elmwood-Kildonan (454 Kimberly Ave.) ~ (204) 668-8140
South (5 Fermor Ave.) ~ (204) 233-3476
West Portage (3550 Portage Ave.) ~ (204) 889-8052

Some programs may require a membership. The cost of membership may be available on a sliding scale (from low-cost to free) based on what someone can afford. Contact the YMCA for more information.


Teen Clinics

Teen Clinics are special health clinics only for teens. They are confidential, which means they will not tell anyone (including your parents or guardians) if, when, or why you went there. There are Teen Clinics all over Manitoba. In Winnipeg there is a Teen Clinic open almost every night of the week.

Find your closest Teen Clinic

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