Your Space
Welcome! This is an area for people 13-19 years old to express themselves and share their creativity, thoughts, stories, poetry, raps, jokes, art, videos, a project done for school… or whatever it is that youth do and want to share!
Check out these different categories for what others have submitted...
Art / Music / Writing / Video / Zines
...Or send in your own work. Teen Talk is now accepting new submissions for Your Space. Submissions can be sent to
- Submission Guidlines and Fine Print
- If you have a video to share you can upload it to the internet and send us the link to post.
All submissions will be reviewed by staff and posted to the website. Teen Talk will not post any discriminatory content. We won’t accept racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-choice or fat phobic material. This includes anything that attacks someone because of their skin colour, gender, sexual orientation, values or body size. If you’re unsure, just email us and ask!
We also will not post any material that may cause harm to another youth reader. Examples could be how to have an eating disorder, how to use drugs or how to hurt yourself or others. If you aren’t sure about your submission, send it in and Teen Talk staff will contact you if we would like to see any changes, or provide you with an explanation of why we cannot post your submission. Teen Talk cannot promise to post all submissions on the website, although all submissions will be reviewed and considered.
This site is directed at people 13-19. If you are under 13 years old, you need permission from a parent or guardian to submit something. Get your parent or guardian to check out for the Children’s Online Privacy Act.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in Your Space are those of the contributor and do not necessarily reflect those of Teen Talk or Klinic Community Health.