We’re growing our previous Let’s Talk: Sex Ed session for homeschool and remote learning youth into a series! All workshops are free and will be presented through Zoom. Youth cameras will be turned off during the session.
Sexual Health, April 13, 2021
Ages 12-18
1:00-2:30 pm
Comprehensive sexual health education including discussions on communication, boundaries, consent, birth control, condoms, and STIs.
Relationships, May 6, 2021
Ages 12-18
1:00-2:30 pm
Youth will explore the differences between healthy, unhealthy, and abusive relationships. They’ll learn what to do if they experience abuse, use abuse, or witness abuse happening. They will also explore respectful and safe ways to end a relationship and ways to build a healthy relationship.
Sign-up for Relationships workshop
Safer Substance Use, June 3, 2021
Ages 12-18
1:00-2:30 pm,
This workshop will examine the effects, including the harms and benefits of common substances. Substance information is offered from a non-judgmental, harm reduction perspective to allow youth to make informed and safer choices. We will facilitate a discussion on the reasons people have for using or not using a substance, ways to abstain from substance use, and how to stay safer if using. Participants will practice refusal skills, discuss how to identify problematic use, and focus on where to go for support.
Sign-up for Safer Substance Use workshop
JUST ADDED! Mental Health, June 8, 2021
Ages 12-18
Two Session times to choose, 1:00-2:30pm or 6:00-7:30pm
This workshop helps youth to understand that we all have mental health and, like our physical health, have to work towards mental wellness. We will explore different ways stress and trauma impacts our wellbeing as well as coping strategies, including stress reduction activities, to get through hard times. This workshop highlights resources and supports while emphasizing help-seeking when going through a hard time. Special attention to the unique stresses of Covid will be explored.