Today is about building awareness of this ongoing harm and honoring those we have lost and their families. Today is also a day to commit to a path forward that ends this violence. Mark today by:
- Wearing red and posting it to social media. Use hashtags such as #mmiwgawarenessday2021 #whywewearred and #nomorestolensisters.
- Hang a red dress in your window or your yard.
- If you are able, donate to an organization that works directly with MMIWG2S+ families such as Ka Ni Kanichichk
Today can be a triggering day for those affected by MMWIG2S+ loss you can connect with the MMWIG2S+ support Line 24/7 for free at 1-844-413-6649. There is also the Indigenous-specific Hope for Wellness Helpline at 1-855-242-3310. They offer Indigenous crisis counseling including in some Indigenous languages.
Photo above by MMIWG Alaska