When it comes to mental health, now more than ever, every action counts. On January 28, Let’s Talk.
Let’s talk about how we’re doing. Really doing. Let’s talk about what support we need. Let’s talk about how Covid makes us feel. Let’s talk about mental health. More importantly, let’s listen.
Talking about mental health, without judgement or stigma, makes a healthier world for all of us. It gives space for those who need a little extra help and support to feel safe to ask for it. It’s part of looking after our selves and our communities.
Right now we may not all have our usual ways of coping due to Covid, which makes talking with folks even more important. If you don’t feel ready or able to talk with someone you know, reach out to a support line like Kids Help Phone. They are free and open 24/7. You can call, text or do online chat.
Kids Help Phone
- Call 1-800-668-6868
- Txt 686868
- Online at kidshelpphone.ca
Looking for extra support during the pandemic? Here’s some resources we think might help
- Teen Talk’s Youth Mental Wellness during Covid-19 Booklet is full of activities, tips, suggestions and resources during the pandemic
- The Kids Help Phone has also created a special corner of their website all about support right now including activities and resources
- So has jack.org
Remember, our language matters. How we talk about mental health impacts the folks around us. Expressions like “You’ll get over it” and “Just feel thankful instead” can hurt more than help. Mental illness and mental health struggles are real and they may need time and support to heal or find ways to manage. Instead show your support and say “I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well” or better yet, ask what you can do to help.
The simple act of listening can help open up the conversation and let someone know you’re there for them.