In our families, in our social circles, at work, in our communities, some folks must hide their Sexualities, Gender Identities, or Sex Characteristics for safety and because of stigma. It’s time we start #breakingthesilence
On May 17, the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia will be breaking some of that silence. This year again, tens of thousands of us will speak up. It’s time for 2STLGBQ+ folks and allies to take up space that is rightfully ours, because of our voices, our stories, our lived realities matter!
By all coming together on one global day, our “noise” will be so loud that all our2STLGBQ+ siblings all over the world who cannot speak up will hear the sound of hope and solidarity.
Join the global noise! Make your voice heard on May 17, 2020
The Day is not one single campaign. It is a moment when thousands of ideas and initiatives converge over a single vision: freedom and equality for all sexual, gender, and bodily minorities.
You can join in whichever way you want: shout out on your social media, get involved with your local 2STLGBQ+ organization, call on your local government, and school to get them to celebrate the Day, etc. Of course, COVID-19 is a bit of a twist for organizing this year, but check out this cool resources of more ways to get involved on May 17 during the pandemic!