It’s World Mental Health Day (WMHD) on October 10th. We all have a mental health, and just like our physical health, we have to work towards mental wellness. Life is full of ups and downs, and everyone will face difficult and stressful situations. By developing strong relationships with people that can support us, and learning more healthy coping skills we can build good mental health one step at a time. This in turn helps us through life’s difficult times. For more info, check out our section on Coping.
This year’s theme for WMHD is Young People and Mental Health in a Changing World. For many, the teen years can be an exciting time as our body, mind, emotions, and spirit change and grow. They can also be times of stress that impact our mental well being. Without supports and practising/learning ways to manage stress and hard times a teens mental health problems may grow too. It’s important to recognize and support teens with mental health and mental illness. Early interventions and supports can help someone for the rest of their life. It’s estimated that half of all mental illness develop before the age of 14, but often go undiagnosed or untreated for years. Fortunately, there is a growing recognition of the importance of helping young people build mental resilience. With the right supports, anyone can thrive.
If you are struggling with stress, feelings or a mental illness it’s important to talk with someone you trust. This could be someone in your life like a family member, school counsellor or teacher you trust. It could also include a phone line. We’ve listed a few below. It also helps to think of ways to cope through hard times. You can learn more about that and mental health in our Learn About section.
Klinic Crisis Line – 1-888-322-3019 or (204) 786-8686 (24 hours)
Provides counselling, support and information for people in crisis or distress.
Manitoba Suicide Prevention and Support Line – 1-877-435-7170 (24 hours)
Counseling/info for people thinking about suicide, or affected by another’s thoughts/ attempts of suicide.
Manitoba Farm & Rural Support Services – 1-866-367-3276 (10am-9pm, Monday-Friday)
Counselling and support for farm, rural, or northern Manitoba youth. Chat or email available at
Kids Help Phone – 1-800-668-6868 (24 hours) and online chat
Canada wide service providing information and support to youth. In Manitoba they also offer txt message chat by sending the word CONNECT to 686868 or they have nation wide online chat through
If you are worried about someone in your life, use this day as an excuse to check in on how they are doing. Maybe share resources like one of the phonelines above, or info on Klinic’s Drop-in counselling program. Remember it’s more helpful to this person if you remain calm, and non-judgemental. They may not be ready to talk, but you can let them know you are there to listen if and when they are.