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Women’s March on Washington: Winnipeg


January 21st, 2016
Portage Place – Centre Court
11am – 1pm

This event was sparked by Trump’s election to the White House, but we recognize that even in Canada – we still have so much work to do. This march will serve as a platform for women in our most marginalized communities to speak and be heard.

The march is the same day as hundreds of thousands of women in Washington as they take to the streets – all with a common goal but each with a diverse voice.

Stand in solidarity with people gathering all over Canada and the world that day in support of women’s rights. Rally against the divisive words, attitudes and actions sparked by the events of the last year.

Take a stand and support the rights of ALL women.

March to show that the anger, fear, sexism, and racism will not be tolerated.

The event will start with a blessing by Elder Mae Louise Campbell , speakers, followed by a march down Portage Avenue to the US Consulate at the corner of Portage and Main (and back to Portage Place).

Want to learn more? Check out theĀ Women’s March on Washington Winnipeg website
Want to help? Send your contact information to womensmarchwpg@gmail.com


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